Sunday, 22 January 2012

The Cheong Sam story~

What an awesome day today! Today had a great reunion with my darlings at Aeon Bukit Tinggi.. Well, originally we were supposed to meet up at Sunway Pyramid but thanks to the 'mangkuk', we ended up at JJ instead ==

Wasn't that bad after all.. Haha.. Had Pizza Hut as lunch.. Speaking of this.. How dare the workers there requested us to pay for the meals first although we did not ask for it.. We were not even done eating and he asked us to PAY?? Just because there weren't enough seats for next guests, doesn't mean you can halau us... DAMN! Totally DISAPPOINTED!!

You should thank us for being generous.. If it's other people, probably they would have scolded and complained you people.. Fine.. I don't wanna talk about it anymore.. Ruining my mood...

Now, back to my story.. After that "wonderful" meal, Ah Yong decided to shop for sunglasses... So we went from Padini to Cotton On (Cotton 'In" according to her ==). We sorta test the glasses and even took photos.. Finally till the end, she bought that so called "lalat sunglass" from Padini.. Well, it was named so because the glass looks like mata lalat..

Ah Yong with the lalat spec from Cotton On.. But she did not buy it..

Next was the BEST part! Haha.. Apparently, Micili suggested us that we try for the dresses inside JJ and take photo as memory.. There were funny moments of Kana and Yong trying for the dresses.. 

Haha.. In the end, we chose to go for Cheong Sam instead.. I hadn't wear it for like more than 10 years? The last time I wore it was during standard 3 for that Chinese dance school concert..

Anyhow, it was really fun although we sorta kecoh at the dressing room and as usual the people there stared at us.. haha.. Who cares anyway.... 

After the Cheong Sam story and whatnot, we went for tea time at Lavender Bakery.. I ordered the Egg and Chicken Mayonnaise ...something "caccia" ending it .... can't remember the name though and tea latte.. It was ok but I think Tuna would taste better.. Aiks.

Around 5, Micili left us to meet her friend :( So in the end, left 4 of us.. Went to Cotton On and Padini again to try the glasses.. haha.. that's when Ah Yong decided to buy from Padini.. 

After that, time to say goodbye.. I hate goodbyes.. Why are happy moments short but sad moments LASTING for long? Why can't it be the opposite?? After this outing, I don't know when we are going to meet again.. Saddens me... We meet for like few times a year :'(

I guess we should focus on the happy parts, rite? Let's move on with pictures xD

Till we meet again, girls :)

Signing off,

May Eng

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